Dental Implants

Bringing Back Smiles

As Good as the Real Thing

Dental implants offer the most natural alternative to missing teeth, allowing you to chew, bite, and smile with the comfort and confidence of natural teeth. Most patients report that their implants feel and appear completely natural.

The simplest way to think of dental implants is to imagine them as artificial tooth roots, which are then used as the foundation to place a single tooth or multiple teeth.

There are three parts to a dental implant – the implant device which is inserted directly into the bone, the abutment or piece that connects the implant device to the third part, which is the overlying crown or dentures.

Single tooth implants are the most common application for dental implants, but In the event a patient needs multiple teeth replaced, and does not want or cannot tolerate a removable appliance, multiple implants can be placed by an oral surgeon or periodontist. After completing that phase of the treatment, the patient can return to our office for placement of the teeth that sit on top of the implants.

Dr. Chen will work closely with you to determine if you are a candidate for dental implants, and what the best course of treatment is for your diagnosis. Depending on your situation, we can sometimes offer a combination of implants and a removable appliance that attaches to implants for more complex cases.

Innovative Solutions

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Office Hours

  • Monday – Thursday9AM – 5PM
  • FridaySpecial appointment only
  • Saturday – SundayClosed